Monday, October 29, 2012


Goshh.. How long have been away? A couple months?? Gezz! Iv'e been soo busy! But I'll fill you guys in :)

Brittany is now a student attending UCSD! Yay! This weekend I went down to visit her. It was a blast since it was Halloween weekend! As for me, I've been busy with school and work as well. But I will vow to post here every couple days! :)

What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?? Tell us here! 
-Charmaine <3

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Summer fun!

Last week was a busy but fun week for us!

 I snapped a couple photos to fill you guys in!

We went to the OC Fair and saw Young the Giant! They were amazing! The crowd was roaring the whole concert.

I wish I had gotten a funnel cake at the fair : ( 

We also went to the OC Art Walk to take in some culture. All of the works we saw were creative and beautifully made. (Picture of a painting above) 

It was a busy week but we had fun!
What are your plans to finish off the summer? Let us know! 

- Charmaine <3

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Art is Everywhere.

Brittany is the ultimate artist. 

Check out this Day of the Dead inspired skull she hand painted! Too rad!

-Charmaine <3

Ohh Yeah! New Dolly Bows!

New dolly bow headbands !!

We wanted to create some new styles of prints for fun summer days and nights!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Vests in Love

Yesterday Brittany and I had just finished redesigning some vests for a friend. They came out looking too AWESOME!  Here's a pic! -Charmaine <3

Meet Me Halfway

Fashion Streamline:

So far this summer I have been loving wearing skinny jeans, printed dresses, plaid tees, and old converse.  
What's you summer go to look?? Tell us below! :)

-Charmaine <3

Monday, July 9, 2012

Prince Charming?

    I have been in college for about 3 years now. It has not occurred to me until recently how unique my college experience has been. I've endured heart breaks and failed exams. I had heart breaks from guys who have not felt the same to guys that I left heart broken. I see dating as a trial and error concept. Once one guy does not work out, you move on the the next one. But, what happens when the 1st guy comes back? 

    Do you forget him and move on, or do you try to figure out why it did not work? It could be a 50/50 choice. Things could go your way or they may not. But, when dealing with a past guy it's important not to expect too much. Expecting too much is what usually gets me into trouble. But, since when is it a bad thing to think highly of people? It turns out to be bad when they can not live up to your expectations. 

    I'm not looking for my prince charming, just someone who can keep me up at night while I wait to see their face again. I've realized that every guy can not and will not live up to all of your expectations. Flaws must be accepted to find true love. I have not found it yet. I am still in my phase of trial and error. But, when I do find someone I really do like, I'm going to live in the moment and enjoy the relationship to the fullest. 

-Brittany =^.^=

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fashion Blogs for days... :3

Fashion magazines were and still are a source of fashion inspiration, but now it's all about fashion blogs! Some of the best blogs can provide a range of unique inspirations. I adore Karla's Closet and Mr., and it does not just have to be fashion blog it can be! I suggest anyone to make a account and reblog to your hearts' desire. 

Here are some links to the best fashion blogs I know and links to our tumblr! :D

Check them out! :D 

New Dolly Bow!!!

Since fun prints have been so popular this summer we made a dolly bow to fulfill your summer needs! : )

Check it out on 

Kinda, Sorta, Obsessed with Fashion

We heart it! Aside from our college goals, my sister and I love fashion.

I think fashion for us is a way to feel unique in our own skin. 

We love taking risks with our style and looking at celebs and people for inspiration. We are twins but our style differs most of the time. Ill break it down:
Brittany can be described as the risk taker. She can rock any style from dolly headbands to creepers shoes.
Her style inspiration: Rihanna, Zoe Kravitz, and Kelly Osborne

Charmaine can be described as the vintage junkie. She can take anything vintage and wear it with a modern twist.
Her style inspiration: Lauren Conrad, Lucy Hale and Miley Cyrus

Together we are a mixture of styles because duhh we share clothes!! :)
What's you personal style?? Who is your style inspiration??
Comment below!!

-Charmaine <3

Ahh, but I still can't help but wonder..

What is love?
What does it feel like?

Are questions that I have been asking myself for a while.
Not that I am in a rush to be in love, I just wonder.
Of course there have been times where I thought I was in love, like my freshman year when I was obsessed with a guy in my art class. I remember seeing randomly him at the mall one day and feeling my stomach drop. I thought, omgosh I'm in love! Well now I know it wasn't love just lust. I guess it's just one of those things that you figure out when it's meant too. 

Ahh, but I still can't help but wonder..


Finally it's summer!

Now that it's summer, I thought I'd make a summer bucket list! I wanted to do this because for some reason whenever summer rolls around I always feel more..alive. Not that I don't during the school year like acing an exam for example. But it's a special feeling that summer brings. It's hard to explain. Maybe it's the long summer night hanging with friends or the smell of beach air. Whatever it may be, summer only comes once a year so we have to make it count.

*Go to a concert! Brittany and I will be attending a Young the Giant concert in 2 weeks! Yay!
*Eat smore's by a bonfire...yummyyy
*Take a chance.. Do something you've never do before
*Go to the beach of course! My favorite is Laguna beach!
*Take a road trip!
* Make a summer playlist and blast it where ever you go
* And most importantly, document your summer! Whether it be in journal our taking pictures.

What is on your summer bucket list??

I'd love to know :)

-Charmaine <3

Friday, July 6, 2012

Fire breathing dinosaurs.. RAWR!!

I have always been in love with those weird but cool drawings 
Too cool no?


Bringing Vintage Back!

Love dolly bows??

Well we make them handmade!
Check out our

Saw Magic Mike

Did anyone see Magic Mike??

Please tell me you are in love with him as much as I am
: ) 

Hello Fellow Bloggers

Welcome to Our blog!

Our names are Brittany and Charmaine.
We are fashion designers, college students, sushi lovers, and music lovers.
We are unique and design our own clothing!
Check back daily for new and cool updates! 
Stay Sunny!!  =^.^=