Monday, July 9, 2012

Prince Charming?

    I have been in college for about 3 years now. It has not occurred to me until recently how unique my college experience has been. I've endured heart breaks and failed exams. I had heart breaks from guys who have not felt the same to guys that I left heart broken. I see dating as a trial and error concept. Once one guy does not work out, you move on the the next one. But, what happens when the 1st guy comes back? 

    Do you forget him and move on, or do you try to figure out why it did not work? It could be a 50/50 choice. Things could go your way or they may not. But, when dealing with a past guy it's important not to expect too much. Expecting too much is what usually gets me into trouble. But, since when is it a bad thing to think highly of people? It turns out to be bad when they can not live up to your expectations. 

    I'm not looking for my prince charming, just someone who can keep me up at night while I wait to see their face again. I've realized that every guy can not and will not live up to all of your expectations. Flaws must be accepted to find true love. I have not found it yet. I am still in my phase of trial and error. But, when I do find someone I really do like, I'm going to live in the moment and enjoy the relationship to the fullest. 

-Brittany =^.^=

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