Sunday, July 8, 2012

Finally it's summer!

Now that it's summer, I thought I'd make a summer bucket list! I wanted to do this because for some reason whenever summer rolls around I always feel more..alive. Not that I don't during the school year like acing an exam for example. But it's a special feeling that summer brings. It's hard to explain. Maybe it's the long summer night hanging with friends or the smell of beach air. Whatever it may be, summer only comes once a year so we have to make it count.

*Go to a concert! Brittany and I will be attending a Young the Giant concert in 2 weeks! Yay!
*Eat smore's by a bonfire...yummyyy
*Take a chance.. Do something you've never do before
*Go to the beach of course! My favorite is Laguna beach!
*Take a road trip!
* Make a summer playlist and blast it where ever you go
* And most importantly, document your summer! Whether it be in journal our taking pictures.

What is on your summer bucket list??

I'd love to know :)

-Charmaine <3

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