Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mini Room Tour + D.I.Y's !

Happy Belated New Years!
I haven't been on to blog in a while, but hey life happens. But I am back! I'm hoping to keep this blog updated by showing ya'll my OOTD's and others cool digs!

For starters, I recently began re-decorating my room. I love changing my ambiance only because I'm always changing and growing as a person for why can't my room?!? Short on cash? No worries! There are plenty of cool ways to reinvent your room!

I have so many books laying around my room, so I thought they would make a great stacked table top! I picked up a beautiful black with a white floral overlay vase at Goodwin for $3.99 and a mermaid figurine at Savers for $2.99. And I added my mom's old Chanel bottles for an extra touch of vintage. Adding small pieces such as a vase or a perfume bottles added originality to any bedroom!

I get inspired by so many fashionable celebs! I'm always ripping and cutting out my favorite pictures from magazines so I thought why not put this on my wall? Materials were tape, magazine cutouts, scissors, and a blank white sheet of paper. Plus a fashion ideas collage is a great addition to a blank wall!

My closet. Ahh how I love you. Organizing your closet is a great way to keep it clean and you can find items easier. Here, I have mine organized by skirts(shortest to longest), dresses, light (thin fabric) jackets, denim jackets, leather jackets, blazers, and crop jackets.

Hope these tips were useful and comment below if you use any! : )

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